Friday, July 24, 2015

Will Pregnancy Affect My Oral Health?

Will Pregnancy affect my oral health?

Expectant mothers (and women who take some oral contraceptives) experience elevated levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This causes the gums to react differently to the bacteria found in plaque, and in many cases can cause a condition known as “pregnancy gingivitis.” Symptoms include swollen, red gums and bleeding of the gums when you brush. Remember that the bacteria in plaque (not hormones) is what causes gingivitis. Brush twice a day and floss before you go to bed to help avoid plaque buildup.

What are pregnancy tumors?

Pregnancy tumors (pyogenic granuloma) are rare, usually painless lesions that may develop on your gums in response to plaque. Although they are not cancerous, they should be treated. Pregnancy tumors usually subside shortly after childbirth.

Could gingivitis affect my baby’s health?

New research suggests a link between preterm, low birth weight babies and gingivitis. Excessive bacteria, which causes gingivitis, can enter the bloodstream through your mouth (gums). If this happens, the bacteria can travel to the uterus, triggering the production of chemicals called “prostaglandins,”which are suspected to induce premature labor.

Should I receive dental treatment while I am pregnant?

Good oral health care is vital during your pregnancy. Continue with your regular dental cleaning and check-ups to avoid oral infections that can affect the fetus such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. We recommend that major dental treatments that aren’t urgent be postponed until after your child is born. The first trimester, the stage of pregnancy in which most of the baby’s organs are formed, is the most crucial to your baby’s development, so it is best to have procedures performed during the second trimester to minimize any potential risk.

Dental work is not recommended during the third trimester because the dental chair tends to be too uncomfortable to the mother. If you lie back, the chair may cut of circulation by placing pressure on the vein that returns blood to the heart from the lower part of your body.

If I do need treatment, what drugs are safe?

Be extremely cautious of all drugs during pregnancy. If you have gingivitis or periodontal disease, your dentist may want to treat you more often to achieve healthy gums and a healthy baby. Although dental anesthetics such as Novocaine or Lidocaine can enter the placenta, which filters out most drugs, the doses used in most dental procedures are considered safe. If you need to have dental work done during your pregnancy, research has shown that some acceptable antibiotics include penicillin, Amoxicillin, and Clindamycin, but avoid tetracycline, which can cause discoloration of your child’s baby and permanent teeth. Products containing acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, are approved, but you should be wary of over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Avoid using narcotics for dental pain until you child is carried to term.

If you have any concerns about treatment or medications, make sure to ask your dentist or physician before receiving treatment. Most dental procedures are safe during pregnancy. Remember, the healthier your mouth is, the healthier and happier your pregnancy and baby will be.

Monday, July 20, 2015

What Are Mouth Rinses?

Mouth rinses or mouthwash is a product used for oral hygiene. Antiseptic and anti-plaque mouth rinse claims to kill the germs that cause plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. Anti-cavity mouth rinse uses fluoride to protect against tooth decay. Mouth rinses are generally classified either as cosmetic, therapeutic, or a combination of the two. Cosmetic rinses are over-the-counter products that help remove oral debris before or after brushing, temporarily suppress bad breath, diminish bacteria in the mouth and refresh the mouth with a pleasant taste. Therapeutic rinses have all of the benefits of cosmetic rinses but also contain an added active ingredient that helps protect against some oral diseases. We prescribe special rinses for patients with more severe oral problems, such as cavities, periodontal disease, gum inflammation and dry mouth. Therapeutic rinses are also strongly recommended for those who can’t brush due to physical impairments or medical reasons.

Should I use a mouth rinse ?

We consider the use of fluoride toothpaste to be more than adequate protection against cavities. Anti-cavity rinses are beneficial, they have been clinically proven to fight up to 50% more of the bacteria that causes cavities. Initial studies have shown that most over-the-counter anti-plaque rinses and antiseptics are not much more effective against plaque and gum disease than rinsing with water. Mouth rinses can cause harm by masking the symptoms of an oral health disease or condition.

How should I use a mouth rinse?

Brush and floss your teeth well prior to using the mouth rinse. Then, measure the proper amout of rinse as specified on the container. With your lips closed and your teeth slightly apart, swish the liquid around with as much force as possible. Many rinses suggest swishing for at least 30 seconds. Finally, thoroughly spit the liquid from your mouth.

Teeth should be as clean as possible before applying an anti-cavity rinse to reap the full preventative benefits. You should not rinse, eat or smoke for 30 minutes after using an anti-cavity rinse.

Are there any side effects?

Yes, and they can vary depending on the type of rinse. Habitual use of antideptic mouthwashes that contain high levels of alcohol ( 18 – 26%) may produce a burning sensation in the cheeks, teeth, and gums. Many rinses with more concentrated formulas can lead to mouth ulcers, sodium retention, root sensitivity, stains, soreness, numbness, changes in tasteand painful mouth erosions. Most anti-cavity rinses contain fluoride toxicity if taken excessively or swallowed. Because children tend to accidentally shallow mouthwash, they should only use rinses under adult supervision. If you experience any irritating or adverse reactions to a mouth rinses, discontinue its use immediately and talk to your dentist.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What Is Tooth Decay, And What Causes It?

Tooth decay is the disease known as caries. Caries is highly preventable and it affects most people to some degree during their lifetime.

Tooth decay occurs when your teeth are frequently exposed to foods containing carbohydrates (starches and sugars) like soda pop, candy, ice cream, milk, cake and even fruits, vegetables and juices. Natural bacteria live in your mouth and form plaque. The plaque interacts with deposits left on your teeth from sugary and starchy foods to produce acids. These acids damage tooth enamel over time by dissolving, or demineralizing, the mineral structure of teeth, producing tooth decay and weakening the teeth.

How are Cavities Prevented?

The acids formed by plaque can be counteracted by saliva in your mouth, which acts as a buffer and remineralizing agent. Dentists often recommend chewing sugarless gum to stimulate your flow of saliva. However saliva alone is not sufficient to combat tooth decay. The best way to prevent caries is to brush and floss regularly. To rebuild the early damage caused by plaque bacteria, we use fluoride (a natural substance) to help remineralize the tooth structure. Flouride is added to toothpaste to fight cavities and clean teeth. The most common source of fluoride is in the water we drink. Fluoride is added to most community water supplies and to many bottled beverages. Your dentist may recommend special high concentration fluoride gels, mouth rinses, or fluoride supplements if you have a high risk for cavities.

Who Is At Risk For Cavities?

Because we all carry bacteria in our mouths, everyone is at risk for cavities. Those with a diet high in carbohydrates and those who live in areas without fluoridated water are likely candidates for cavities. People with a lot of old fillings have a higher chance of developing tooth decay because the area around the old fillings are good breeding grounds for bacteria. Children and senior citizens are the two groups at highest risk for cavities.

See your dentist at least every 6 months for checkups and professional cleanings. Because cavities can be difficult to detect a thorough dental examination is very important.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is caused by the presence of bacteria in plaque. Plaque is the sticky film that accumulates on teeth both above and below the gum line. Periodontal disease can cause inflammation on destruction of tissues surrounding and supporting teeth, gums, bone and fibers which hold the gums to the teeth. A number of factors increase the probability of developing periodontal disease, including diabetes, smoking , poor oral hygiene, diet, and genetic factors. It is the primary cause of tooth loss in adults.

How are periodontal disease and diabetes related?

It is estimated that one-third of the population, have diabetes, but only half of these people are diagnosed. Studies have shown that diabetics are more susceptible to oral infections and periodontal disease than those who do not have diabetes. Oral infections tend to be more severe in diabetics verses non-diabetics.

What types of problems to diabetics experience?

Diabetics may experience diminished salivary flow and burning sensations of the mouth or tongue. Dry mouth also may develop, causing an increased incidence of decay. Gum recession has been found to occur more frequently in poorly controlled diabetics. Due to the increased susceptibility to periodontal disease and oral infections your dentist may prescribe medicated mouth rinses or more frequent cleanings.

How can diabetics stay healthy?

Make sure to take extra good care of your mouth and have dental infections treated immediately. Diabetics who receive good dental care and have good insulin control have a better chance of avoiding periodontal disease. Diet and exercise may be the most important changes that diabetics can make to improve the quality of their life and oral health. Diabetics should be sure both their medical and dental care providers are aware of their medical history and periodontal status. To keep teeth and gums strong, diabetic patients should be aware of their blood sugar levels in addition to having their triglycerides and cholesterol levels checked on a regular basis. These may have a direct correlation on your chances of obtaining periodontal disease.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

When should I take my child to the dentist?

Taking your child to the dentist at a young age is the best way to prevent problems such as tooth decay, and can help parents learn how to clean their child’s teeth and identify his or her fluoride needs. After all, decay can occur as soon as teeth appear. Bringing your child to the dentist early often leads to a lifetime of good oral care habits and acclimates your child to the dental office, thereby reducing anxiety and fear, which will make for plenty of stress-free visits in the future.